Mon 27 Jan
All The Pleasure You Need!! ~**New $80 Latenight & Early Bird Special!!~** By Parris 414-544-8942 - 20
(Milwaukee, Southside of MILWAUKEE / Incalls Only)
80$❤ ▄▄▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ D R I P P I N L I K E W A T E R ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ $80 - 22
(Milwaukee, wauwatosa, milwaukee area)
AM or PM DELIGHT - Last Day VISITING Milwaukee - Professional Gentlemans Mature Playmate - 41
(Last Day Visiting Milwaukee, Milwaukee)
[★] ALLOW ME [★]TO WORK MY MAGIC [★] Super Sexy N Ready - 24
(Milwaukee, INCALL$MkE ★)
4145343908 !Sexy..hott and petite forget all your worries ill take em away! 100$ specials - 19
(Milwaukee, milwaukee airport)
::★ All American Bad@ss ☆ Not Ur Girl Next Door ★ Summer Specials!! ☆:: - 24
50 50 Jewls BBW 50 50 50 ChriStMas Special 50$$$$50Incall🎂🎂414 865-6090 414 249-7471 - 23
(Milwaukee, capital nd appleton)
A Special Just For Youu Limited Only Now - Till 11pm 60$ Half Hour 100Hour♥♥ - 21
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Wi near Airport Inn)
ALL natural THICK HOTT SNow BUNNY !! SPECIals!! up till noon sunday! come PlAY with me!!- Cinderella - 20
(Milwaukee, Northside Milwaukee / incalls)
80💏💦Jaw Massage💦outcallsS ONLY 80$ Jaw Massage $PL JAvailable Now - 23
(Milwaukee, Outcalls Only{Jaw Massage}👉👉50$pl})
~*~ 5 * S.T.A.R * P.R.O.V.I.D.E.R ~*~ Available AllNite ♛ R❶YAL TREATMENT ~*~ - 23
° ° 2 Girl Specials Call Us Now ° ° Ready Now ° ° 100% Real Pics ° - 20
░░░░░ೋ ❤ ೋ 1 iN A MiLLiOn A (( *VeRy _*RaRE*_ DiAmOnD ! )) * 100% REAL* ❤ ೋ░░░░░ - 25
(Milwaukee, ░░░░░ღ Milwaukee ღ░░░░░)
**·´100% PURE -:¦:- ENJOYMENT·. ** ~ * GeNtLeMeNs ChOiCe~* - SiMpLY THE BeST -*~ - 21
(Milwaukee n Surrounding area)
1Sexy amazin girl open minded party type call ur choice - 21
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee outcalls all over)
100□ ■ ¤ ▪ AMaZin . ASiAN . SenSaTiOns . ♡ . ExX.xoTiC . SkiLLz . ♡ . Highly . Reviewed ▪ ¤ ■ □ - 23
(millerpark IN & OUT to you, Milwaukee)
100% (( Ex×X0Tic Latina)) 100 In/0UT $PC3iAL Up & ReaDY CAlL ME 100%ReaL ((L0VE WhaT I D0)) - 21
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee and surrounding Areas)
▐🌺🔲🌸 🔲🌺▐ EVERYTHING NEW▐🌺🔲🌸 🔲🌺▐ 3 PRETTY HOT GIRLS WORKING TODAY▐🌺🔲🌸 🔲🌺▐ 👍👍 CALL ☎ : 414-334-5948▐🌺🔲 - 22
(2231 S 92nd St, West Allis, WI, 53214, Milwaukee)
10000000000% Real Deal ..... Why Take A Chance On These Other Girls .... Real Deal 10000000 %
(Near=Wst allis*Brookfield*Wauwatosa)
😚😳100% Real Pics! 😉☺😀 Satisfaction Guaranteed I Aim 2 Please 😜😝😍 Special$$$ Special - 25
░░░░░ೋ ❤ ೋ 1 iN A MiLLiOn A (( *VeRy _*RaRE*_ DiAmOnD ! )) * NeW PiC* ❤ ೋ░░░░░ - 25
(Milwaukee, ░░░░░ღ Milwaukee ღ░░░░░)
Mon 13 Jan
Sassy- Sexy- Classy & Satisfying Sarah -- 100$ - 21
(Milwaukee, Brookfield/wauwatosa/mKe/west allis)
___ R_ _U__S__S__I__A _N_ __ H__O__T_!!! __S__P _E __ C ___ I __A__L - 20
(p.S READY NOW 120 incall special)
Sun 12 Jan
💦💎Outcalls ONLY❗❗ 💎☀SunShine☀❗Highly Reviewed❗ Highly Addictive❗⭐New New⭐#❗❗ - 24
(Milwaukee, West Allis,West Bend,Big Bend,Waukesha)
ONE OF A KIND!!! FIT, SEXY&CLASSY; 34-26-36 Swedish& Irish 100% real... IN & OUT - 23
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee area)
Pεtitε and Swεεt♥Sexy Southern♥Slim ßεautifuℓ♥Sapphire♥ßußßly ßrunεttε Avaiℓaßℓε NOW - 414-368-7745 - 29
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee~~North Side)
😘❤️👌The Best In Mid-west 😜💦👅 Sweet Sexy💕👄 Pretty Brown Babe - 21
(Milwaukee, Surrounding Areas.(Outcalls)Unle$$..)
There's NOTHING compared to me... I'm a RARE COMMODITY! 😘 - 20
(Kenosha / Racine, 💋EVERYWHERE & ANYWHERE 💋jus ask)
ThursdaySpecail's Sexy & cutie Mia sexy blonde love to cuddle& kiss toys fetishes $100 specail - 24
(Madison, madison west or outcalls)
Sat 11 Jan
█ █ ►★•° W_A_Y °•★•° T_O_O °•★•° [-S-] __[-E-] __ [-X-]__ [-Y-] __ T_O _M_I SS - 22
(Milwaukee, South side Milwaukee near Layton Ave)
Ms.sexycandy in town for the week real nice &tight; $$very discrete - 24
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee surrounding areas)
😛 Killer Curves,😊Nice Booty,😋 Cute Face..👌Come On & Lets Play👍 - 21
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee (Incalls))
Midwest best Butta Pecan NEW IN TOWN (Dont miss Out) - 19
(Kenosha / Racine, rACINE (INCALLS ONLY) gRAND ST)