Mon 27 Jan
💦💧 __________ 💦💧__________ Lets Get Naked & Have Fun __________ 💦💧 __________ 💦💧 - 20
(downtown, Milwaukee)
👠visiting This weekend!!💉HUMILLIATRIX Goddess JEZEBEL💋SENSUAL DOM toys SHOWERS🚿PROSTATE Massage🍸 - 33
(Milwaukee, Downtown Milwaukee)
↘‿↗⁀↘ ↘‿↗⁀↘ U L T I M A T E ↘‿↗⁀↘ BODY 2 BODY ↘‿↗⁀↘ E X P E R I E N C E ↘‿↗⁀↘ ↘‿↗⁀↘SPECIALS! - 21
(Milwaukee, downtown)
Sensual Relaxation With My Firm BeAuTiFuLL Body ((* EXQUISITE HOTTIE *)) TO ReLaX U** - 26
(Milwaukee, Available Today CALL me 608~520~9046)
♥SENSUAL♥ SEXY♥ (well reviewed) ♥*Rubdown n more*♥with MANDY!!♥Rainy Day $40 Special - 39
(Milwaukee, SAFE SOUTH HOME)
Sun 26 Jan
your body plus my hands equals an awesome massage ~korean kym~ outcall only/no text/avail late
(Outcall only within 45 miles)
your body plus my hands equals an awesome massage ~korean kym~ no text/avail late/ cash only
(Outcall only within 45 miles)
your body plus my hands equals an awesome massage ~korean kym~ no text/avail late/ cash only
(Outcall only within 45 miles)
your body plus my hands equals an awesome massage ~korean kym~ outcall only/avail late/no text
(Outcall only)
your body plus my hands equals an awesome massage ~ korean kym - no text/ outcall only/avail late
(Outcall to Mke metro & suburbs)
Sun 12 Jan
**(( Satisfaction ))** Read this **(( Guaranteed ))** - 23
(Milwaukee, Southside Location/ Near Miller Park)
SO HOT Sexy Girls - Gentle Massge - FREE TABLE SHOWER 24 ------* WONDERFUL SERVICES *---- - 23
(3635 W Oklahoma Ave Milwaukee WI, Milwaukee)
Voted Best Hands Down 👉 Professional & Experienced 🌻 Busty & Mature (NON ASIAN) - 34
(Milwaukee, Near Howell & Oklahoma)
█ PLEASANT SURPRISE █ █ Open Your Door W/ RELIEF █ NO InCall █ - 99
****Take****A** Break~And~**** Rejuvenate***** 30 and over**** Preferred - 35
°o♥o°• SÕ MÅNY• °o♥ o°• ChÕIc€S but• °o♥o°• NÕN€ LiK€• °o♥o°• ME - 19
(Milwaukee, North West Milwaukee)
Ms. Latriece ~Sweet & Yet Forbiden ~ 60/Min Sensual (T) Session Special $100~~ - 32
(West Milwaukee)
#❶ Picked *ღ♥ღ• [(Sexy)] #❶ Picked *ღ♥ღ• [(Discrete)] #❶ Picked *ღ♥ [(Perfect ➓*Experience)] #❶♥ღ• - 20
(Downtown Milwaukee &Surrounding; OUTCALL, Milwaukee)
NEW OPENING !!—&— █? █ █ ?█ —— SWEET ASIAN MASSAGE ——█? █ █ ?█ — 25 ?~~ - 25
(Janesville, McFarland WI)
🌷🌷🌷💝😊Excellent Massage With Gorgeous Stuff 😊💝🌷🌷🌷 - 25
(5464 N Port Washington Rd, Suite H Glen, Milwaukee)
Last chance today! Come visit the Goddess for transformation, presence and deep connection - 29
Like Em Big? ( . ) ( . ) Lunch Special 11p-2p ~ Topless ~ Busty & Mature ~ (NON ASIAN) - 35
(Milwaukee, Near Howell & Oklahoma)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* ~✮ MASSAGES BY Misty100.SPECIAL ✮~ *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 22
(Milwaukee, DownTown ~Airport Hwy94~Avail$75)
***** Ms. La'trice Sensual Relaxation Retreat ** 60-Min Topless $100 Happy Holidays - 32
(West Milwaukee Near Miller Park)
Sat 11 Jan
Catering to the discreet professional **Just a nice massage ** Busty 38D - 34
(Wauwatosa (10 minutes from downtown Milw)
Dont settle for less, when you can get the BEST!!! 2 girl Special! 2 is Better than 1 - 20
(Milwaukee, North West side of Milwaukee)
(($30 $30 $30)) SIZZLING HOT SPECIALS!!! Amazing Sensual Rubdowns!! - 23
(Milwaukee, Milwaukees Southside)
💎💎💎💎💎Baddest in the City 💋 Mixed Beauty 💋 Big B👅👅Ty Lovers Favorite 💦Let Me Rub You Down👅 - 24
Angela -- Young, Beautiful, Built and Extremely Talented in Body Rub Satisfaction! - 27
(Milwaukee, Downtown Milwaukee)
------> Real SATISFYING Full Body Massage, Openings Today!
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Downtown, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
Massage ** 7a-6p ** Busty Mature Ebony (38D) ** Seven Minutes from Airport - 34
(Milwaukee, Near Howell & Oklahoma)
Your Body Plus My Hands Equals An Awesome Massage ~~Korean Kym ~~ I work late / Outcall Only - 29
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee outcall only)
Sweet lovable fingertips Nude sensational & Relaxing Rubs ~ kisses Amazing specials - 22
(Milwaukee, discrete Incall Downtown/ outcall avail)
Upscale Open Minded Sensual Nude touches/Body2Body Aiming to please - 24
(Downtown available Incall/🌴, Milwaukee)
🔮Magical💖Massage w/*Alyssa* #4144550692 call/txt me# *TuesdaySpecials* ★WORKING 24/7in&outcall;★ - 25
(IN&OUTcall;, Milwaukee)
•••➤ The TOTAL PACKAGE 💢💄💢 •••➤ Exotic B💣mbshell 💢💄💢 5 STAR 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 SERViCE 💥💢💄 [(dOwNtOwN)] - 20
(Milwaukee, downtown , AVAILABLE NOW incalls)
Nude body rubs @50 i can do magic with my hands.(414) 610-9090 - 22
(Milwaukee, milwaukee Downtown (IN CALLS ONLYS))
Sensual but NOT Sleazy 11yrs Experience, educated Swedish Holistc Relaxation, Product, sales & More! - 37
* ( ¯`'.¸*¸.'´¯ ) * INTIMATE DESIRES * ( ¯`'.¸*¸.'´¯ ) * - 22
(IN/OUT CALLS right off miller park way)
((*Click Me*)) ✰ sExY .. SeNsUaL .((*Click Me*)) .BlAcK aNd DoMiCiAn bAbE..✰ ((*Click Me*)) - 20
(Milwaukee, ☆Hwy94&43 Downtown /Incall&OutCall;☆)
Full Body relaxation ( Body2Body Rubs) Independent Bomb shell) specials Available.... - 22
(Milwaukee, discrete Incall Downtown)
Holiday Happiness ~pure pleasure, Full Body RuBs 80" !!! - 22
(Available Downtown Milwaukee Hwy 94, Milwaukee)
~.Non Rushed+Relaxing touches from Neck to ToEs...Iam the Best$100 Amazing Sessions - 22
(Milwaukee, InCall off i43 Capitol dr/Dwntwn,AirporT)
o°♥o° W.H.A.T.S.°o° Y.O.U.R.°o° F.A.N.T.A.S.Y. °o♥ - 22
(IN/OUT CALLS Right off miller park way)