Sun 05 Jan
🍭👀 Whos Back😘♥Sexy Bombshell ➡Specials 80$ Hour Dont Miss 😍til 10pm - 21
(Milwaukee, Out calls Anywhere😜 y Want Me😍)
இڿڰۣ Tired of lifeless women?? Milwaukee's most reviewed girl available today & tonight!! SUMMER K - 38
(Milwaukee, private residence/west suburbs of milw)
***UPDATE 250இڿڰ tired of fake pics? BLONDEretired MODEL/ HIGHEST REVIEWED (milwaukee)sat/sun - 38
(Milwaukee, private residence/west suburbs of milw)
Ur HaLEy is here Boys, With TwO FrIeNds HAley up ALL nite IN\oUT CALLS - 22
இڿڰۣTGIF special 225 Tired of lifeless women?? Milwaukee's most reviewed ~SUMMER K - 38
(Milwaukee, private residence/west suburbs of milw)
Sexy Blue eyed Bunny Ready to Warm You Up!!! Specials!! - 26
(Milwaukee, southside & surrounding areas)
Sexy Brooklyn $$$$$ Intown Now. upscale lower eastside lake shore drive area.. - 22
(Milwaukee, lake shore drive area (condo))
★💋 Sexy🍬🍭 Eye CANDy 🍭🍬ALL yoU NEED💋💗 pLayFul & NaUgHty 💜💕️👉👉786-531-5510 💋OutCalls - 20 - 20
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee northside)
•∆• PL€a§uR€ §eeKeR§ ===> CL¡Ck H€R€ EnErGeTiC & PLaYfuLL
(Milwaukee, To§a Ar€a iNca££ ($80) aFt€rNoO §pCL§)
✨ SePeRaTe ThE BEST FrOm ThE ReSt ✩ °* PLAYMATE Of ThE MoNtH* ✩ - 24
(Milwaukee, ✩ OUTCALL ★ ONLY)
☆ PLEASURE ☆ ( beyond ) MEASURE ☆ RÂÐ TÕ § Â T i § F ¥ ÕU OpEnMiNdEd & FrEaKy - 23
(Milwaukee, U Too Me/Me Too U Hwy41N)
Reese BBW Professional D*** ****** Available incalls all day real deal here !!!!! NO white men! - 25
(Milwaukee, Wi)
PERFECT ➓ - AnD _ ALwAyS *♛ ThE_ BeST _ CHoiCE *♛ {{{1oO% real}}} - 24
°❤° S_E_X_Y blonde °❤° 224-520-0327 °❤° T_R_E_A_T °° °❤° - 23
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee & Surrounding Areas)
Outcalls💋🍒The Gentlemens choice! 💎AVAILABLe NOW 4142045856 💋🍒 - 24
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee waukesha brookfield lakegeneva)
My Name Is ✨✨✨✨STAR✨✨✨✨✨ But You'll Be My ✨✨✨✨Star✨✨✨ Tonight💋 And My Pictures Are Me Can't Miss It✨ - 21
(Menomonee to YOU, Milwaukee)
▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•*Hot BLoNdE w HUGE TiTs * ▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* PrEttY PLaYtHiNg* ▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* dO wHaTeVeR U WaNT - 24
(Milwaukee, #❶ PiCk CaLL me 4 appointments)
Happy freaky Friday!! $75 Specials! 💋Sexy Chloe! ready for fun❗❗❗ - 20
(Milwaukee, north west side of Milwaukee)
║▌│ │║▌ ║││║▌ │║║║ FETISH PLAY ☆ PROSTATE MASSAGE & MORE ☆ TOYS AVAILABLE ║▌│ │║▌ ║││║▌ │║║║ │║║║ - 28
(Milwaukee, ★MILWAUKEE★ ▌▌ ▬▬▬★ 24 HOURS ★ ▬▬▬ ▌▌)
Freak Every🐵Man Wants To meet 💁💁💖Slippery&Tight; 💦Promise I Want Bite 👐 Specials - 23
(Incall/outcall everywhere, Milwaukee)
💸💎 Highly Addictive CALL me now 4148034394 INCALLS/ OUTCalls milwaukee #1 provider🍒💙 - 25
(Incalls airport outcalls everywhere, Milwaukee)
★*° GeT iT uP*° ☆'PRFCT PL@¥M@T` ° ★' ((ULTiMÅT iNDULGNC)) DIVE IN - 24
(Milwaukee, ★°*★CANT SLEEP? IM UP LATE)
HAley & Faith here GUY'S Now 4 U. SUPEr GReat INCALL Real & Ready IN\oUT CALLs 4147125425 - 22
*~Heaven~* 414-514-4204 i know ur needs! ~*(*) (*)*~ Ready To Please~*~ Your FAntasy Woman~* - 22
FR3AkY AsAin R€AD¥ & ωiLLing {{100% R€A£ 100% SA₣E}} !!! V€R¥ V€®¥ ADDiTiV€ !!! - 24
(Milwaukee, southside my place)
✨✨✨📛📛📛📛📛📛📛 Exotic Asian taste ⭐️❤️ JUICY ❤️⭐️ YUMMY ❤️⭐️ FUN SIZE✨✨📛📛📛📛📛 All you can eat ✨❤️✨❤️✨❤️ - 23
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Down town area)
60HHR Enough for any man come make me run!!!!!(615)546-2910 - 21
(Milwaukee, MILWAUKEE surr areas"Incalls/outcall)
75 grounds of 🍵🍵..SPECIAL till 1pm only!! 150 after 414 630 5145 - 35
(Milwaukee, south side near airport)
*$80*OUTCALLS special Available ALL NIGHT & Early Morning*80*
(Milwaukee, south side incalls...outcalls ALL OVER)
$150 special ** I'm ready !!!!!! 🍭😘😘💯💯🍒🍒😍😍😍😍 3058799840 ******Ashley 💋 - 25
(Milwaukee, near south 27th street)
*** ((( sensual)) *** ((( Exotic ))) *** ((( touches)))) ***outcalls * incalls - 22
(Milwaukee, outcalls germantown milwaukee incalls)
** 2 HEADS are BETTER than ONE so COME and HAVE some FUN!!!** trucker friendly - 22
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee and surrounding areas)