Sat 04 Jan
ADVENTUROUS MALES WANTED Come by Pampered by Hot Sexy Sweet Girl Tender AFFECTIONATE Sessions - 27
(INCALL Near West Allis, Milwaukee)
__ 🍭 ([EVERyONE'S FAVORiTE]) 🍭 ___ BACk BY POPUlAR DEMANDs ___ nO DiSSAPOiNTMENTs ___ ((1oo% rEAL)) - 20
(($30 $30))***HOT HOT***earily morning fun with *LETTI!! Sensual Rubdown n More!! - 27
(Milwaukee, Safe/private/millerpark area)
👑*Alyssa* #4144550692 call/txt me# *FridaySpecials* ★WORKING 24/7in&outcall;★ - 25
(IN&OUTcall;, Milwaukee)
(($30 $30)) SIZZLING SPECIALS!! Today Only! Amazing Sensual Rubdowns!! - 23
(Milwaukee, Southside Location/ Near Miller Park)
Fri 03 Jan
Sexy & Petite-- Come enjoy a sexy session! ★$80 special until NOON! - 25
(Milwaukee, incall//outcall NEAR miller park)
treat yourself only $80 today in call or $100 out call. call n u will b very happy - 30
(Kenosha / Racine, kenosha/racine)
~~~ SLOW SEDUCTIVE MASSAGE- ~~~ My Soft Breasts Against Your Body ~~~ Let The FUN begin!!! ~~~ - 30
(Milwaukee, Northside near 41st&Good; Hope Rd(INCALL))
BUSTY HOT BRUNETTE for Sensual Relaxation Session! RELAX and MELT YOUR STRESS AWAY!!!!! - 37
(Milwaukee, North Milw,Germantown,WB, Mequon,Grafton)
Ask for the special NURU massage... - 23
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, InCall, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
Only here for a limited Time - Asian and Latinas Massage - 24
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Incall, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
Sexy Fun! Sexy Specials! **FANtastiC MORNING Specials B4 1PM** - 24
(Milwaukee, incall or outcall NEAR STADIUM safe)
SKYLAR-Time 2 Kick off ur shoe- Come for a Romantic Rendezvous With Me-Hot Sexxy FBSM-MORE PHOTOS - 28
(INCALL West Milwaukee Area, Milwaukee)
Sensual ~Mutual Touchiing~Non RusHeD sessions $55 - 24
(Downtown available Incall/🌴 Near hwy 94, Milwaukee)
Sensual ~Mutual Touchiing~Non RusHeD sessions $60 - 24
(Downtown available Incall/🌴 Near hwy 94, Milwaukee)
Tanra/Nuru Massage Milwaukee Friday & Saturday - 25
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Madison, Milwaukee, milwaukee in/ out)
★█ hOttEsT aRouNd!! GAURANTEED ★█ iM a HOT SeXi pRoViDeR ☷ ReAdY to Get tO WoRk oN U ★ - 25
(Milwaukee, ★414 364 8166 Private Incall Avail Now★█)
HURRY! HURRY ! one day only$10 OFF the $50 !!!! 70 !!!! 110 !!!!! - 27
(Milwaukee, south side home)
° . • · °• . EROTIC THERAPY ¤ AMaZiNG Sensations ¤ Blissful Satisfaction!!. •° · • . ° 99NOW - 21
(Milwaukee, Downtown/WestMilw incall/outcall)
(($30 $30)) SIZZLING EARLY BIRD SPECIALS!! Limited Time Only! Amazing Sensual Rubdowns!! - 23
(Milwaukee, Southside Location/ Near Miller Park)
HOT HOT HOT!!!! ** Amazing Specials ** Check It Out ** - 23
(Milwaukee, Safe Discreet Incall Near Miller Park)
° Beautiful Busty & Very Skilled With My Hands Why Wait You Deserve It °
(° Incall° °Milwaukee°)
**Exotic Erotic Massages** 24 hours. Out Calls Available Today! - 21
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee & surrounding locations)
Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓢ Ⓞ Ⓛ Ⓤ Ⓣ Ⓔ Ⓛ Ⓨ 🌟 G ✪ R G E ✪ U S (✸)🔥HoT bLoNdE (✸) No RuSh INCaLL PLaY ❤ - 28
(Incalls My Place Call Me, Milwaukee)
Thu 02 Jan
STOP & PLAY HOT Sexy & Ready 2 Pamper You! Come 4 the Magical Hands of SKYLAR 100% Real Photos - 28
(INCALL West Milwaukee Area, Milwaukee)