Wed 08 Jan
💋New Hot 💋 Sexy💋 Seductive 💋 Beautiful Bombshell ❤️100% REAL - 20
(Eau Claire, eau claire in call only)
Monday night Madness Sexy londyn AKA Mz Bubble Butt is back!!! 6086589314 Outcall Specials - 21
💕VISITING❤️Sl!De "N" My sWeeT Sp0T❤️🍫🍬 Waterfall💦 Goddess💋 TiGht GRip💦🍒►🚨CALL NOW🚨 - 22
(Airport, Milwaukee, Milwaukee)
Ur sexy lil Secret, *petite playmate* special 70$ in - 19
(Milwaukee, Milw incalls&outcalls; $75-$100 specials)
oh YEA baby!!! cALLNOW! Mistress Thickness. Aka snow white i cant wait to see u! - 20
(Milwaukee, Outcalls!)
▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ ☆ E L I T E UPSCALE BRUNETTE ☆ ❤ A V A I L A B L E NOW ❤ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆ - 23 - - - 23 - 24 - 23
(Milwaukee, north side / out calls available)
♋☯♋☯♋☯♋☯Let Me-On Be Da ♋☯♋☯♋☯ Ying To Ur Yang ♋☯♋☯♋☯ Sweet Classy Never Trashy ♋☯♋☯♋☯♋☯♋☯♋☯♋☯♋☯♋☯♋☯ - 25
(Comehere☯♋☯♋☯♋Come2U☯♋☯♋☯♋☯♋☯♋☯♋☯♋☯♋☯♋☯♋, Milwaukee)
Ms Moca here very sexy💁💁 fun an exciting dra - 25
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Franklin, wauwatosa, waukesha)
❤❤❤ new new new girls ❤ GOOD SERVICE ❤ Asian SWEETS ❤❎❤ ❤ 🚺🚺 ❤ SEXY & BUSTY❤ 🚺🚺 ❤ HOTTIE ❤ 🚺🚺 - 22
(Milwaukee, W Michigan St / N James Lovell St)
✅ NEW _🍭 %1OO ► ► ▬ [ X ] R@T€D GiRL ✨ αvαiℓabℓε ➜ ✨BLonde BAbE ✨[ δωεε† && TiGhT ]🍭 RΞΛÐ¥ TØ PŁΛ¥ - 21
New Year Eve Specials! $60, $80, $120 🎆🎊🎉 4142108675 💋Sexy Chloe! ready for fun❗❗❗ - 24
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee - outcalls available.)
My KiTTy🐱 is 💦PuRRin💦for U💫✨A�Husband Best KePT SECRET!! Shh I'm ReALLy TiTE💦💋 EarlyBirds DEALS💫📞 - 19
(Milwaukee, YOUR PLACE)
💖 New sexy red head blue eyes very sweet young fetishes 2 girlz and more eastside area - 26
(East capitol dr shorewood area nice, Milwaukee)
.*´ ¨`*. ☰ ¸.*´¨`*.¸¸ NeVeR HaD iT sO gOoD ¸.*´ ¨`*.¸ ☰ ¸.*´¨`*.¸ - 21
(Milwaukee, Incall *specials *)
★♥Dont Cheat Your$elf Treat Your$elf♥★ Call For $pecials - 25
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Southside/Airport)
Stop👀👀looking for the perfect Father's Day gift look no further💋💋💋!!!! - 27
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Appleton)
special come on over n treat yourself only $80 in call $100 out call high class n clean - 30
(Kenosha / Racine, kenosha/racine)
SPECiAlS !! Available NOW .. CHECk ME OUt ;-) ♥ (NO black men.. NO young men.. NO games) - 21
(Kenosha / Racine, Racine)
I'm a Real lady and i expect a Real gentleman!💋Great reviews 100% REAL come have fun!!❤ - 30
(Milwaukee, Southside)
👅 👅 I got a thick ego!! 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 Come see why!! Hr specials!!!!!!!! 👅 👅 - 35
(Milwaukee, Appleton ave)
** {EARLY} :* ¨*: {MORNING} :*★¨*: {MOJO}: *¨☆*: {HOT AND SMOOTH}* - 25
Tue 07 Jan
new intown big booty star will make your dreams come true LIMITED EDITION A MUST SEE - 21
(Milwaukee, allover)
XOXO LAST DAY in town come see me now Petite Blonde Beauty XOXO - 26
(Milwaukee, Downtown Milwaukee)
💋ψ💔White Hot ΨLatina Girl love 😍supply visiting Milwaukee 🌙🌙 For Real good time💎💎 - 24
(Airport Δπea., Milwaukee)
💛💛💛❤❤❤Upscale 💐💄💋 Sexy 👙💄💃Fun 🎉💃💃Here for you 💋💋Bisexual❤❤❤💛💛💜 - 22
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Downtown, n nearby cities)
PARIS ⓢⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛⓢ CoMe 1 CoMe ALL LET ME TreaT Y∅U ⇧ AND ⇩Y∅U 2 THE BesT TreaT EveR ⇨414-484-4169 - 22
(Milwaukee, Cdrbrg/dwntownsrnding area IN /OUT)
Oconomowoc. close to 94. 60 specials today only. Breathtaking swf. - 37
(In the middle of milw and madison, Milwaukee)
_______ _________ _____________ _________ *!* PERFECT * ASIAN!* PLAYMATE *!* ___________ ___________ - 19
Petite, Hot and Tight Jennifer is spemding her last night in Milwaukee!!! - 32
(college ave incalloutcall, Milwaukee)
*-:¦:- ExOtiC BeAutY *-:¦:-* VaLenTiNes SpeCiALs *¨¨*-:¦: * - 21
(Near Milwaukee Airport 13th & College)
💖💎💘Milwaukee Finest💖 💎💖Sweet & Spicy 🍯🍸Petite & Discreet 👑🙊 Strawberry Short Cake 🎂🍓💦 - 21
(Bay shore area, Milwaukee)