Thu 02 Jan
PRETTY FACE ________ ________ BIG ____ B*O*O*T*Y ________ _______ KILLER RATES * - 21
(MILWAUKEE INCALL /414-687-3574 Lexi)
Freak of the week, No I'M the Freak of the Century :) Come see why! - 23
(Milwaukee, private/safe residence)
°*° 2 REAL GiRl'S ☆ ¨*: {UNFORGETABLE} :*★¨*: {TIME}: *¨☆*: - 20
(2 girl sHoW - I-43 NORTH / OUT)
(¯`☆`¯) -:¦:- TrEaT -:¦:- YoUrSeLF -:¦:- To ThE BeSt wItH A TruE DiaMONd-:¦: - 22
(IN/OUT CALLS right off miller park way)
*LETTI* New~Specials & Ready For You. ((20!! 40!! 60!! specials)) - 27
(Milwaukee, My safe southside home)
¨`*~- LUSTY bOmBsHeLL ♥ SpAnK Me LiCkMe PuLL My HaIr °~° I LoVe iT!!! - 24
(*airport in or out all areas)
kyla the best s💋💋x you will every experience 414-841-5732 - 24 - 24
(Downtown Mke Brookfield, Waukesha, Milwa, Milwaukee)
(~*♥*~) °*° KNOCK °*° OUT °*° CUTIE °** - 25
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Outcalls Only!!)
Can you handle the sensation1(414 467-9648 incall /outcalls - 23
(Milwaukee, Downtown ,Milwaukee area)
★ *:• ☆ Blondes Do It Better ☆ ♥ ★ GeNTLeMeNS ❶st CHOiCE ★ *:• ☆ ♥ ★ *: - 18
(Milwaukee, S 103rd lincoln/NW capitalDr/Bluemound)
💦👅Come Play With Diamond All Morning😜😘80QuickV. 100Hhr 200Hr - 20
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee GoodHope Area (CarAppt))
:: (( ♥ ♥ BLONDE♥ ♥ )) :: :: (( ♥ ♥BUNNY ♥ ♥ )) :: :: (( ♥ ♥ SEXY ♥ ♥ )) :: :: (( SpEcIaLs - 22
♥ ° C_Õ_M_P_£__T_£ _Y_ ♥ ; _§ _Â _T_I_ §_F_Y_I_Ñ_G° [*] AVAILABLE NOW [*] - 24
♥♥♥ Beautiful, Classy, Petite Brunette ;) Madison East Incall♥♥♥ - 25
(Madison, Madison East incall)