Sat 11 Jan
💦💦💦💖SPECIALS💖💦💦💦 Call Lia.. Sexy & Juicy💋💋💦💥💦 💖💖 414.699.0172💖💖 - 24
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Southside)
▐🌺🔲🌸 🔲🌺▐ EVERYTHING NEW▐🌺🔲🌸 🔲🌺▐ 3 PRETTY HOT GIRLS WORKING TODAY▐🌺🔲🌸 🔲🌺▐ 👍👍 CALL ☎ : 414-334-5948▐🌺🔲 - 22
(2231 S 92nd St, West Allis, WI, 53214, Milwaukee)
90 hh 119 hour. NO RUSH. in OCONOMOWOC. Arianna 2628939012.Rt off 94. Inbetween milw. And madison - 37
°★° Brεa†h†aK¡ηG Vid£o V£rifi£d°★° ️ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ 💜👑 lᏋᎿ mᏋ ᎦᏂᏫᏊ💎 ᎩᏫᏌ💦Ꭿ ᎶᏫᏫᎴ🌟TIME - 27
(Madison, Outs only Dells area)
♡♥《 juicy italian fun freak..... dnt miss out last day of. .60 $ Specials》♡♥ - 22
(Milwaukee, milwaukee-north east-)
★ I'm Back THICK Sexy Latina READY and WILLING to Service you ★ - 34
(Milwaukee, Southside Milwaukee Airport area)
I'm available Now are you?!! Let me show you how to PARTY🎉🎉 (OUTGOING CALLS ONLY) - 24
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee area)
💧Exotic Bombshell Ready to Fulfill Your Needs Wants & Desires 💦💦💦👅🍆 - 21
(Airport Incalls Outcalls All Over, Milwaukee)
[ DROP ] __ •❤• __ [ DEAD ] __ •❤• __ [ GORGEOUS ] __ •❤• __ [ BLONDE HOTTIE ] __ [ REAL PICS ] - 25
(In & Out, Kenosha / Racine, Milwaukee)
Fri 10 Jan
Two girl special 😍😍 Ready for some fun and excitement! READY Now! Sexy exotic hott Divas 💝💝 $180 - 26
(Milwaukee, Madison and surrounding areas)
special ♥Hot ♥New ♥Busty ♥Exotic ♥Bombshell ☆☆ I love to PLEASE! Let's take our TIME tho ☆☆ - 21
(Milwaukee, outcalls surrounding area)
L a T i n A - ? : - " S o A D o R A B L E " - : ? : - " A M A Z i N G S K i L L S - 21
(Milwaukee, in/out call)
____ (¯`•💥•´¯) I____DO____IT •💟✅💟• __W_A_Y __ •💟✅💟• __B_E_T_T_E_R__ (¯`•💥•´¯) - 23
(Madison, INCALL & outcall)
YUMMY is back in Milwaukee.& Greenbay....and ready to please ..SPECIALS - 24
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee & Greenbay)
Wild, Exciting, Spontaneous Sophia Here Now In/outcalls 24/7 ( 414)639-6970 - 25
(Milwaukee, metro Milwaukee/ southside/ oakcreek)
Young 💦Fun & Freaky 💦🍆414-999-6037 OUTCALLS&INCALLS;💕 - 18
(Kenosha / Racine, Madison, Milwaukee, Racine)
♥ * P_e_R_f_E_c_T ♥·.( PeTiTe - FlAwLeSs)) .·´¯* P_L_a_Y_ m_a_T_e *♥ - 21
(Milwaukee&Surrounding; areas)
_______ _________ _____________ _____ *!* PERFECT * ASIAN!* PLAYMATE *!* _____________ _____________ - 19
(Last night & Leave 2moro)
✩ *NeW* SexY ° NaTuRaL* pLaYmAtE °* TaKiNg YoU pLaCeS yOu'Ve NeVeR BeeN* 0uTcaLL ✩ - 24
(Milwaukee, °*°*° All surr areas Mke/OUT)
🍒💎🔥outcallS and incalls avail..SEVEN try something NEW 6083043311-🔥💎🍒 - 21
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee oak Creek Waukesha lake Geneva)
★ E V E R Y T H I N G G 0 E S ★ ___ With"Me!! Yeseverything - 22
(Milwaukee, Ur Place/My Place As U Want)
50hh 100h $$ Heat$$ust Hit The Town $$$ Early Morning Specials $$$ call now $$$414852-7460 $$$ - 25
(Milwaukee, millwaukee)
*_ღ_* Super *_ღ_* Sweet *_ღ_* Super *_ღ_* Sexy Treat! *_ღ_* - 23
(I/45 Northwest Milw. Specials Ksss!)
SPECIALS All Day!!!!! Your Puerto Rican Lady...Call Me - 21
(Madison, Madison, Wisconsin Dells, Janeville etc)
Skilled, Ready to fulfil your fantasies 😍😘💦Let's play! 💋💋Bisexual Freak! - 24
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Downtown, n nearby cities)
Special Tonight - Give Me a Call!! - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, 10 minutes away)