Tue 07 Jan
OUTCALLS. Call me now new#! !upscale reviewed playmate💎AVAILABLe NOW 4143503571 💋🍒 - 24
(Milwaukee, Waukesha downtown oak creek lakegeneva)
Persian Princess in town today With a friend! 2girls $100 off hr donation tonight only!! - 23
(Kenosha / Racine, near you)
》NEW CliEnT SPCL *!*!* GrEAT New PiX *!*!*ExoTic AsiAn*!*!* New CLIENT SPCL《 - 23
(Milwaukee, D0WN T0WN ;-))
°o ♥ o ((( ✰ VaLenTiNes SpEciALs ✰))) o ♥ o° - 21
(Near Milwaukee Airport 13th & College)
LAST NiGHT-Well Reviewed ((HoT ♥ MoDeL-TyPe ♥ BLoNdE)) for *ALL* of your *FETISH* FuN! - 23
(oak creek / south milwaukee incalls)
*-:¦:- ExOtiC BeAutY *-:¦:-* VaLenTiNes SpeCiALs *¨¨*-:¦: * - 21
(Near Milwaukee Airport 13th & College)
*Enjoy some chocolate * $50-$80 Incall Special*100%ReaL ** - 22
(Milwaukee, near airport/ surrounding areas)
❤ ☆ ❤ ☆ ❤ ☆ ❤ EVERYTHING❤ You ❤ DESIRE ❤ Lies ❤ With ❤ ME ❤ ☆ ❤ 100$ special - 29
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee area)
Do You Wanna Party With Me: New Years Special: Lovers Lane $80 Incalls: Call YOSHI @ 414_639_7235 - 20
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee / Choose Your Special)
EvEry _ MaN's _ FanTasy +%+ WhAt _ MoRe (100$ SPECIALS} )NeW PiC - 20
~HONEY~ Upscale, Descrete, Highly Reviewed $80/$100/$200 Late night and Early Bird Specials - 19
(Madison, Madison In & Out CALL)
Sweet- Sassy- Suductive Sarah -- Holiday Special -- 100$ - 21
(Milwaukee, Brookfield/Wauwatosa/west allis/mKe)
⚠⚠specials outcall only let's play🚦100 special⚠⚠ - 19
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee anywhere Up to 30 miles)
Natalie is New in Town, Give Me A Call For a Great Time @ 773-988-1420 - 20
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI)
Ms.Ciara New in town ready to party early morning special( 414-628-7879) - 27
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee and surrounding areas)
nEW!! cOmPanIoN (nO gAmEs oR gImMiCkS) vIsItInG nOW ☎ ME 100$ spEcIaL »»dOwNtOwN«« in x outcall - 20
(Milwaukee, downtown AVAILABLE NOW ME)
isbella & Sasha come have so double fun 80$75$65$-100$ morning special💃💸💸💳 - 19
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee east side)
!!! Simply The Best You've Ever Had !!!! 100$ Flat Rate.......Cum Enjoy Yourself !! - 21
(MILWAUKEE,Surrounding areas)
♥∵♥⇨⇨SunSHINE'S M0ST S€DuCTiV€ S€SS¡0NS⇦⇦G®€@T N€W PiC'S⇨⇨100$ RO$€ $P€©IAL⇦⇦♥∵♥ - 23
(Milwaukee, D0WN T0WN ;-))
SiMpLy InToXiCaTiNg! *¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P __ & _ T__a__K__e _ A _ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:- - 20
(Milwaukee, Down town milwaukee)
Sexy, Sweet, & Undeniably Beautiful😘😘. - $100 Special - 21
(Milwaukee, Tosa/west allis/Mke/Brookfield/waukesha)
I'm a Real lady and i expect a Real gentleman!💋Great reviews 100% REAL come have fun n keep warm!!❤ - 29
(Milwaukee, Southside)
¯`'+ ** I __ AM ** + '´¯)(¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯)(¯`.¸+ INCREDIBLE+ '´¯) * *C@LL __ RIGHT __ NOW - - - 20
Hard Long Week...Need a quick release? Call Spice 262-672-3978 - 22
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee, near capital dr)
Mon 06 Jan
Ms.Mocha New in town ready to party🎇🎊💵💳414-628-7879 - 25
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee and surrounding areas)
.::. City's ONE&ONLY; -highly reviewed- 100% REAL ExX.xOTiC PHiLIPPiNA PRinCeSS::. incall special - 25
(Milwaukee, near miller park/potowatomi)
✘ℴ✘ℴ ▄▀▄▀☆҉‿↗⁀☆ ♥§wℯℯt♥ ☆҉‿↗⁀☆■▄▀ KINKY▄▀ ■☆҉‿↗⁀☆■ FREAk ■☆҉‿↗⁀☆❥ BomB§hEℓℓ ❥☆҉‿↗⁀☆ ▄▀▄▀✘ℴℴ - 21
(Milwaukee, - JENNA *SOUTH*)
°•★•° W_A_Y _ °•★•° T_O_O °•★•° [-S-] __[-E-] __ [-X-]__ [-Y-] __ T_O ___M_I_S_S °•★•° - 38DDD - 24
.-:¦::-:¦ ;. UNRUSHED (( 1OO% PERFECTION )) TENSION RELIEVER ¦:-::¦:-. - 21
(*Take~A~Break and~Rejuvenate ) ( Mature 35~ and Over~Preferred) SPECIALS for PRE-BOOKED ONLY
❤❤SEDUCTIVE SATURDAY💋💋Monae @ Yr Service ❤❤ Tall MixedPuertoRican*Goddess ❤ *New* 100 Rose Special - 25
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee Outcalls)
{S H E' S} __ (A) __( GOOD GIRL ) *W I T H* A_ [N A U G H T Y] *S I D E* - 25
(Milwaukee, IN OR OUT)
☆ PLEASURE ☆ ( beyond ) MEASURE ☆ RÂÐ TÕ § Â T i § F ¥ ÕU OpEnMiNdEd & FrEaKy - - 23
(Milwaukee, U TOO ME/ME TOO U...41N Millerparkway)
Promise Rose I'm here right now in your town🌹🌹🌸🌸🙈🙈 - 21
(Milwaukee, South Milwaukee, DownTown Milwaukee,)
N*a*U*g*H*t*Y + f*R*e*A*k*Y = $100 In Special Call (414)544-8942 - 18
(Milwaukee, South near U / Incalls)
!*!*!*!* Gentlemen's Choice !*!*!*!* Pick The Best !*!*!*!* - 21
(Milwaukee, South Milwaukee,Franklin,Airport,13th st)
💋FuNLoviN 💋peTiTe 💋YoUnG 💋TiGhT 💋ExTRA KiNKy ▬▬💖Y0UR GiRL-N€XT-D00R FANTASY CAN C0M€ TRU€ WiTH M€💖▬▬ - 21
(Incall near the airport *Visiting!*, Milwaukee)